
Training Program

All Member in Satellite Lab aim to develop something working in space and to launch and operate it. It is not easy for young students to develop real satellites and components available in space. This is not only because they do not have enough knowledge, but also because they do not often learn enough about how to proceed the project ( = activity to achieve the objectives within the given duration), e.g. how to collaborate with other member and how to keep the schedule.

The basic concept of the Satellite Lab is "do what you want", but the young students may hesitate what to do if they do not have enough knowledge about the satellite development and space science.

Against this background, Satellite Lab has been trying several training program as a first step for satellite development. The major ones are as follows:

CanSat (ARLISS) CanSat is a 350ml can-sized satellite model. Open Class CanSat is three times larger than the original CanSat. It was an annual event in our laboratory until 2009 that new member (seniour students) started the development of CanSats in April and participated in ARLISS (A Rocket Launch for International Student Satellte) in August or September and made their CanSats launch by model rockets. ARLIIS is a festival of model rockets held in the Black Rock desert in United States every year. The CanSat was launched to 4km altitude and deployed from the rocket. After that, it deployed a parachute and carried out its mission during the flight. ARLISS is a good opportunity for the students to learn the basic technology of satellite development and project management practically.
Satelite Design
Satellite Design Contest (SatCon) is a student contest to compete the mission and design of 50kg class satellite. The final review (presentation) is held in November or October every year. Master course students in 1st degree or undergraduate (seniour) students applied SatCon almost every year until 2006. Seniour students team won the Desgin Grand Prize. Recently Younger students (sophmore or junior students) applies SatCon for the preparation to joint the satellite development project in our laboratory. SatCon is good opportunity to study on spacecraft engineering.
The freshman program (fresh student program) is a training course for the students who newly belongs the Satellite Lab. This program aims that the young students who are interested in satellite can join the satellite project in our laboratory more smoothly. The graduate students in 2010 developed the program and it has been modified every year so as to adjust the situetion of the Satellite Lab. In the original program, the students started the training course in April. They took the lecture on the basic knowledge about nano-satellites and the workshop on the measurement instruments and manufacturing tools, made the printed circuit board with PIC micro controller, and installing the software to the PIC. After such basic training, they started the CanSat project and conducted the balloon flight of their CanSats in November or December. Recently, the program has been changed so that they use Hepta kit or they study on the satellite design to apply SatCon.

College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
Department of Aerospace Engineering
Miyazaki and Yamazaki Laboratory
College of Science and Technology, Nihon University
7-24-1 Narashinodai, Funabashi, Chiba 274-8501, Japan
e-mail: asel (at) forth.aero.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp