Recent embedded systems and infrastructure systems are recognized as the basis to accomplish national and human safety. Assurance of high reliability in those systems is one of the most critical issues to increase safety in the whole social system. Based on the experienced studies and practices concerning high reliability and safety in the field of space systems established by Resarch Unit 3 in JAXA, our "High Reliability Software System Verification Laboratory" is focused on research into software verification methodologies to achieve high reliability and safety in software that must function properly under extreme environmental conditions. Assurance method for verification completeness, such as End-to-End point of view for complex distributed software systems, is a recent key issue. In our lab, the main topics are "Reliability and Safety Verification methodology" and "Reliability and Safety Assurance methodology". The research outcome will be expected to apply to practical use for systems that require high reliability not only in space systems but also in social core infrastructures.


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